Side 1
1. Kyrie Eleison (Axelrod) 3.18
2. Gloria (Axelrod) 5.42
3. Credo (Axelrod) 4.58
Side 2
1. Sanctus (Axelrod) 2.52
2. Benedictus (Axelrod) 4.48
3. Agnus Dei (Axelrod) 4.25
Exact personnel unknown but the following is what has been determined thusfar :
Original members of 'The Electric Prunes' whose pictures appear on the album cover and who recorded the first three tracks on the album (i.e. the line-up from the European Tour 1967) :
James Lowe - Lead Vocals
Mark Tulin - Bass & Organ
Ken Williams - Lead Guitar
Mike Gannon - Rhythm Guitar
Quint - Drums
Mark Tulin and Quint played on every track and James Lowe did all the lead vocals. Richie Podolor, the band's engineer, also helped out on guitar! Ken Williams added some solos.
The Collectors were brought in by Dave Hassinger to complete the project due to time pressures.
The line-up of The Collectors at this time was :
Howie Vickers - Lead Vocals
Bill Henderson - Lead Guitar, Lead Vocals & Keyboards
Claire Lawrence - Saxophone, Flute, Keyboards, Harmonica & Vocals
Glenn Miller - Bass and Vocals
Ross Turney - Drums
Produced by : Dave Hassinger
Written and arranged by : David Axelrod
David Axelrod's services courtesy of Capitol Records
Art Direction : Ed Thrasher